You've got sixty seconds, how do you describe it?

Engage, inform, inspire and influence - it's possible with CGI video.

What’s one minute of video worth to you?

You’ve heard about an image being worth 1,000 words. Forrester Research analyst James McQuivey said that one minute of video is worth 1.8 million words.

“It’s a complex concept to describe….”   5SQI just have a knack of understanding, create a video, and your intended audience will  “just get it!”. Message delivered!

“The subject matter doesn’t exist”… Nothing is impossible, with CGI.

Realism and accuracy make it exist, with 5SQI.

“Our marketing needs greater impact and engagement..” Video must be part of your content!

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Five Square Imagery Ltd., 7 Hopetoun Crescent, Edinburgh, EH4 7AY

Tel: Sean Concannon +44 (0) 7846 855827